Friday, May 15, 2020

How Should Companies Prepare for Generation Z

How Should Companies Prepare for Generation Z The generation after Millennials is here, and it is called Gen Z or Generation Z among many others. They are the ones born in 1996 or after, the youngest generation which has different expectations in all areas, be it as customers, citizens or employees.They are soon to become the fastest growing group of customers, but also employees and marketers or HR departments need new innovative ways of getting their attention or interests.This generation set new challenges for their parents, employers, managers, sales professionals, educators and even brands because they have the most influence when it comes to technology trend-setting.evalOne of the key differences from the previous generations is that compared to millennials who are very optimists because they grew up when there were lots of opportunities and prosperity in the world, the Generation Z is characterized by a realistic and skeptical thinking due to growing up during the biggest recession in the past decades.The team at Novorés umé conducted research to discover how to adapt the résumé templates or change the job application process for this new generation.In the process, we created the following infographic showcasing the most important traits that other HR executive, marketers, sales people, brands, etc. could use in their process of understanding the Generation Z.Infographic Credit â€"

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